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What is metamorphic zone and its types? What is Metamorphic facies? What is grades of metamorphism? What are the texture of metamorphic rocks?

  Metamorphic Zone and Metamorphic facies: Metamorphic zone is an area where the same combination of minerals occurs in the bedrock during the metamorphism process. Metamorphic zones occur because metamorphic minerals have a unique range or interval of temperature and pressure at which they are stable. There are three types of metamorphic zones- 1)       Epizone: This zone of metamorphism occurs near the earth’s surface. In this zone, generally Cataclastic metamorphism conditions are observed. 2)       Mesozone: It is the intermediate zone of metamorphism, which is found below the Epizone. The mesozone condition that is the temperature and pressure promotes the regional metamorphism. 3)       Katazone: The bottommost metamorphic zones are known as Katazone. In this zone, the plutonic metamorphism is taken place.   Grades of metamorphism: The degree or intensity of metamorphism that has affected a rock is called the grade of metamorphism. It varies directly with the amount of
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What are the major types of Metamorphism? What are the Contact, fault zone metamorphism, plutonic metamorphism?

 Types of metamorphism: The main types of metamorphism are- 1)       Contact metamorphism: Contact metamorphism is also called “thermal metamorphism”. This metamorphism is caused due to local heating of rocks by the intrusion of hot igneous bodies nearby.  The zone of metamorphic rocks which occurs surrounding the intrusion is called “aureole”.  In contact, metamorphism heat plays an important role and its general effect is to promote recrystallization. In this process, minerals grow haphazardly in all directions and the metamorphic rock acquires a granular fabric which is called the “hornfels texture”. Contact metamorphic rocks do not show schistosity.     During contact metamorphism transfer of magmatic vapors and gases from an igneous body into the country rocks often takes place. These emanations react with the country rocks and form new minerals such a process is called the “Pneumatolytic metamorphism”. A localized burning or baking effect may be produced at the contact of an

What is texture? What is the importance of study of texture? On the basis of which factors the textures of sedimentary rocks are divided?

  Texture: The term texture represents the shape, size, and mutual arrangement of mineral grains in a rock. The texture of sedimentary rocks includes grain size, shape (Sphericity and roundness), fabric, packing, etc. The importance of the study of texture are- a)       To determine the useful physical properties such as porosity, permeability, and crushing strength. b)       To find out the dispersion pattern by textural measurements. c)       To make the distinction among the Stratigraphy unit. 1)       Grain size: On the basis of grain size, the texture of sedimentary rocks can be divided into the following groups- ·          Pebble: If the grains size is more than 10 mm then it is called pebble. ·          Gravel: If the grains size is between 2mm to 10 mm then it is called gravel. ·          Sand: If the grains size is between 0.1 mm to 2 mm then it is called sand. ·          Silt: If the grains size is between 0.01 to 0.1 mm then it is called silt. ·         

What is stress? What is strain? What is the relation between them? What are the types of stress and strain?

   In physic, stress may be defined as the restoring force acting on a unit area of a material or object. In maximum cases, this restoring force is equal to the external force. So stress may also define as an external force per unit area of an object.  If we consider a rod, which is tight on a wall as shown in the figure below and apply stress or deforming force to it, then the rode opposes this deforming force by producing a restoring force because the rode is in static equilibrium that means the net force is zero. In this case, Restoring force = Deforming force It is a tensor quantity (in simple words, tensor quantity means we easily calculate its value by using simple mathematics.)     The Formula of stress is   σ = F/A     Dimension of stress is [ML^-1T^-2]  {Force=mass x acceleration = mass x (velocity/time)     =kg x (meter/second/second) = kg x (meter/second^2) = kg meter second^-2= [MLT^-2]} {Area = meter^2 = [L^2] } {F/A = [MLT^-2]/ [L^2] = [ML^-1T^-2]} Unit of stress is N/m^2

What is fabric? what are the types of fabric? What is foliation?

                    In structural geology, Fabric may be defined as the geometry arrangement of component features or fabric elements (such as mineral grains, clasts, compositional layers, fold hinges and planes of parting or some weak planes, etc.) seen on a scale large enough to include many samples of each feature. In sedimentary rocks, the texture created relies upon the depositional climate and can give data on current headings at the hour of statement. The texture might give data on both the direction and greatness of the strain that has influenced a specific piece of deformity rock. On the basis of genesis, the fabric can be of two types- 1) Primary fabric: This is the fabric, which is formed during the formation of the rocks. For example, a preferred orientation of clasts long axes in a conglomerate, parallel to the flow direction deposition by a fast waning current.  2) Tectonic fabric: This is the fabric, which is formed as a consequence of tectonic deformation.  Based on