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Showing posts from December, 2021

What is metamorphic zone and its types? What is Metamorphic facies? What is grades of metamorphism? What are the texture of metamorphic rocks?

  Metamorphic Zone and Metamorphic facies: Metamorphic zone is an area where the same combination of minerals occurs in the bedrock during the metamorphism process. Metamorphic zones occur because metamorphic minerals have a unique range or interval of temperature and pressure at which they are stable. There are three types of metamorphic zones- 1)       Epizone: This zone of metamorphism occurs near the earth’s surface. In this zone, generally Cataclastic metamorphism conditions are observed. 2)       Mesozone: It is the intermediate zone of metamorphism, which is found below the Epizone. The mesozone condition that is the temperature and pressure promotes the regional metamorphism. 3)       Katazone: The bottommost metamorphic zones are known as Katazone. In this zone, the plutonic metamorphism is taken place.   Grades of metamorphism: The degree or intensity of metamorphism that has affecte...