What is texture? What is the importance of texture? What types of texture show by the igneous rocks?
The rocks are formed by cooling and solidification of magma, such types of rocks known as igneous rock. Approximately 90% of the earth’s crust is composed of igneous rocks but their great abundance is hidden on the surface of the earth by a relatively thin layer of sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Chemically an igneous rock classified on the basis of silica percentage- 1. Acidic igneous rock: if igneous rocks contain silica more than 65% then the rocks are called acidic igneous rock. For example- Granite 2. Intermediate: if igneous rocks contain silica between 55% and 65% then the rocks are called intermediate. For example- Diorite 3. Basic rock: if igneous rocks contain silica between 45% and 55% then the rocks are called basic rock. For example- basalt 4. Ultrabasic ro...